
Thursday, February 29, 2024
drain care


没有人希望污水从堵塞的排水管里喷到地板上. 没有人希望下水道臭气熏天,或者满是苍蝇和蟑螂. In sum, no one wants drain problems. 然而,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站大多数人都不知道如何预防这些问题.

防止排水问题的一个选择是使用排水维护化学品.这些化学物质可以防止堵塞形成,从而防止溢流, smells, and insects we all dread.

There are many different types of drain maintenance chemicals and knowing which one to use can be challenging. 在State Chemical,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站销售多种含有各种活性成分的排水维护器. 每天,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站都帮助客户在不同的选择中做出选择. 本文概述了澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的客户在选择不同产品时考虑的因素.


    • 产品是否能清除掉下水道里的物品,
    • The length of time it takes for the product to be effective,
    • Whether the product is environmentally friendly,
    • Whether their city allows them to use emulsifiers, and
    • The price of the product.


Many different items are put down drains and lead to clogs. 这些物品包括脂肪、油、油脂、糖、尿布、湿巾等等. 大多数预防性排水管维修产品都能清除排水管里的一些物品, 但是不要处理其他被扔进下水道的项目. Thus, 你应该使用哪种产品取决于你的下水道里有什么废物.

例如,一家医院因拖把线掉进手术室的排水管而挣扎. 当他们打扫手术室的时候,会有更多的拖把绳掉进地漏里. 这导致他们的管道中出现了“拖把头线的压力球”. The pipes would then back up, spewing sewage all over the operating room floor.

医院首先使用了排水管开启器来清除已经形成的堵塞. 然后,它使用预防性维护,以防止未来拖把头堵塞. Since they knew what was going down their drains, 他们选择了一种坚固的产品来分解拖把绳中的纤维. Some products work better with kitchen waste (including fats, oils, greases, and sugars), but do not work well on fiber. By knowing the cause of their drain problems, they could choose a specialized product for that problem.


不同的预防性下水道清洁化学品需要不同的工作时间. 一些下水道清洁剂可以在一夜之间起作用,而另一些则需要几周或几个月的时间才能生效. 因此,使用哪种产品取决于您可以等待结果的时间.

For example, 有上述拖把绳问题的医院在他们的手术室等不到结果. Each time their operating room drain overflowed, 他们必须在重新使用手术室之前把它清理干净. They, therefore, 需要一种快速见效的解决方案,于是选择了一种能在一夜之间清理拖把线的产品. Having a closed operating room was not a possibility.

However, 同一家医院选择了一种产品,需要额外的时间来增加厨房的排水管. 他们可以在清理厨房排水管时更有耐心, so they chose a product that took more time to be effective. 他们可以把重点放在另一个优先事项上——使用环保产品. Based on their level of patience, they chose to use a product that had more of a ramp-up time, but was environmentally friendly, which is factor three on this list.

Picture of a white bottle with a handle.  The bottle has a label that says


许多化学品排水管供应商提供环保的排水管清洁器. 一家名为Underwriters Laboratories(“UL Solutions”)的组织为降低环境影响并符合可持续性标准的排水管维护设备提供UL EcoLogo®认证. If caring for the environment is one of your priorities, you can choose a product with an UL EcoLogo® certification. 这正是上面提到的医院对产品流入厨房下水道所做的.

Factor Four: Determine Whether Your City Allows Emulsifiers

一些(但不是全部)预防性下水道清洁剂含有乳化剂. Some cities did not allow residents to use emulsifiers. 乳化剂的作用是在排水管中将脂肪、油和油脂液化. However, this liquification is only temporary – the fats, oils, and greases can re-solidify in the city sewer system, causing a clog in the city sewer. 为了防止这些堵塞,一些城市禁止居民使用乳化剂.

To determine if your local government allows emulsifiers, contact your city’s Department of Public Utilities.

Factor Five: Determine The Price of the Product

做出购买决定的一个重要因素总是价格. 不同的下水道维修化学品以不同的价格点提供. 因此,您应该选择哪种产品取决于您预算中的空间大小.

选择预防性下水道清洁剂时应考虑的因素的象形图.  列出的5个因素是:(1)产品是否能清除掉下水道里的物品, (2)产品生效所需的时间长度, (3) whether the product is environmentally friendly, (4) whether your city allows emulsifiers, and (5) the price of the product.

In Sum: The Best Product For You Depends on Your Needs

The best product for you depends on your individual needs. 就像上面提到的医院一样,你甚至可能对不同的排水管有不同的需求. In picking a preventative drain cleaner, consider what is going down your drains, the time it takes for the product to be effective, how environmentally friendly the product is, whether your city allows emulsifiers, and the product’s price.

一旦你确定了哪些因素对你来说是重要的预防性排水管清洁产品, 你的下一步是确定你想从哪家公司购买. 就像选择产品一样,有很多因素需要考虑 selecting a drain cleaning and maintenance company.